Monday, January 11, 2010

Week Fifty-One

Sandia Special
We deem ourselves lucky that this burrito was not an awful disaster.  Salsa Bro must have sensed our trepidation when he was making it and put a lesser amount of milanesa on.  All in all an ok burrito, a bit on the sweet side from caramelizing the sugars in the bbq sauce.  We may be running out of things to talk about, since we resort to discussing Twittering from the bathroom.  Oh, and we started earlier than usual and the beginning drags, but hopefully the latter half makes up for it.

Ingredients: 2 Steak, Potato, Green Chile, Milanesa, BBQ Sauce, and Cheese

Ben - The Buddha, not the burrito, but the Buddha himself, I don't know a lot about the Buddha, hypothetically I think it would be really interesting.
Daniel - Grocery store brand cola, or Dr. Thunder, it's carbonated and sweet, but not as good as a name brand cola.
Isaac - The last Terminator movie, I came in with high hopes and it was a big, fat letdown.

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