Andele boned us last time, this time we take it back! We refine the ingredients for their Build-Your-Own burro and the results suffer improvement of a sort. Onions, you're out, as is your overwhelming flavor. The burrito is somewhat dry, and their omission of side-salsa does not help. The overall flavor is good though. We supplement, after an appropriate period, with some store-bought salsa. Again, much improvement. Bizarro Trek rears its ugly head, re: the future of Burrito Quest. Isaac is the third wheel of this Quest? How have we limped along all this time without him.
Ingredients: Avocado, cilantro, green chile, potatoes, and rice
Ben - Sushi that has the fried skin in it, you think it's going to be dry and kind of awful, but then it's ok. Also...sushi.
Daniel - Root beer float, I don't have them alot, but every time I have them I think they are good. But I don't crave them.
BQ4 - Episode Twelve
"This Is The Best Burrito I've Ever Eaten" by Parry Gripp, used with permission. http://parrygripp.com/
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